Mandatory things you should know about cougar dating

It is always been a hot topic to talk about dating young cubs with older women. Dating an older woman is always an awesome experience. Most young guys do prefer older women to date instead of young teen age girls. It is quite hard for young girls to compete an older woman in bed as they are more experienced in bed and brings an amazing fun and experience that you will remember for years. When you are dating a cougar woman and don’t know how to impress her in your first date, you should know that you only have limited chance to impress her and if you are not able to do that, there are more chances that you will get reject and never get a second chance. Most guys don’t know how to impress their cougar woman as they simply don’t know few but mandatory things about mature dating and cougar woman. Cougar woman are quite different from other teen aged girls that you dated before. Cougars are mature and already face the best and the worst sexual experience in her life, so you must know what you are doing to impress your cougar woman and how this will impact in your cougar dating and your cougar woman.

So, it’s quite best to know first about your cougar woman and cougar dating before going out for a one night hookup with her. It is quite hard to know what kind of cougar woman you are dating. Is she interested in long term dating or serious dating relationship or only looking for casual dating on hookup apps and having fun with you? However, it is believed that cougar dating is not for serious guys or looking for long term dating partner however, cougar dating is only known as causal dating for those that are only looking to have some fun and spend some quality time together. But who knows this causal dating might turn into a long term relationship. So, it is quite important to know about basic things about cougar dating and cougar woman. Here are few but mandatory things that you need to know about cougar dating. Follow these tips for a successful cougar dating relationship with your cougar woman.

Remember you shouldn’t ask about her age – when you are dating a cougar woman than it is quite obvious that age isn’t matter anymore and it is also said for cougar’s that age is just a number and cougar’s literally mean it. Asking age from your cougar woman makes her realize that she is getting old and don’t have that charm in her. This will make her upset and might lose interest in you. So, it’s quite better to avoid such questions from your cougar woman if you are quite serious about cougar dating and want to date her for a long term. Enjoy the moment that you are spending with her and never ask any questions that will hurt her or make her upset.